Osho No-Mind Therapy

Two hours daily One hour gibberish One hour witnessing
No-Mind is a one week meditative therapy that allows to shut down the mind and to let us taste our deep nature. Every morning, we will practice this meditation after the Dynamic for 7 days.
In the first stage, jump into the gibberish and become mad consciously.While sitting, close your eyes and begin to say nonsense sounds – any sounds or words, so long as they make no sense. Just speak any language that you don't know! Allow yourself to express whatever needs to be expressed within you without judging what it's worth. Just throw out everything emotions, thoughts. Let your body likewise be expressive. Throw everything out and make some space for the bouddha.
In the second stage, the cyclone has passed. It swept everything, including you. The free space is now occupied by your bouddha silent and still. Observe your body, your mind, everything what comes.
During this week , other meditations will be offered during the day and you will have time to enjoy the place (swimming pool), walk around in the nature or even enjoy a massage or a foot reflexology.
The first part is gibberish. The word ‘gibberish’ comes from a Sufi mystic, Jabbar. Jabbar never spoke any language, he just uttered nonsense. Still he had thousands of disciples because what he was saying was, ”Your mind is nothing but gibberish. Put it aside and you will have a taste of your own being.” Simply allow whatever comes to your mind without bothering about its rationality, reasonability, meaning, significance – just the way the birds are doing. For the first part, leave language and mind aside. Out of this will arise the second part, a great silence in which you have to close your eyes and freeze your body, all its movements, gather your energy within yourself. Remain here and now. Zen cannot be understood in any other way. Osho.
If you feel stressed, and you have enough , this is your meditation ! Give yourself a chance to try it for seven days for only two hours a day, and your life will start flowering

3 rue Jacques Durand, bât A1, 77210 Avon Tel :+33 (0)6 79 76 51 81 associationartofbeing@gmail.com
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