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Osho Mystic Rose Therapy



About Mystic Rose

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The Mystic  Rose therapy was created by Osho after 25 centuries of Vipassana. It is the ultimate experience of meditation for our faster and stressfull life style.
It is a three-week process, three hours per day, in which the participants immerse themselves into the energy of laughter, then tears and at last the silence and relaxation of meditation.This is a chemical process that dissolves our conditioning, repressions, and fears that have been blocking our vitality and joy. 
Energy blocks are released through the powerful flow of energy that laughter creates during these three-hour sessions of the first week.During the second week participants are encouraged to cry fully, thereby creating a tremendous healing and transformational situation. Everyone is given total support and encouragement during this emotional time. There is no talking during the three hours of the process, which is totally supported by the collective power of the group dynamic.The final week brings meditation, clarity and an integration of all that people have gone through in the first two weeks. After the profound release and healing of the first two weeks, a great depth of silence and presence can be experienced.
The Mystic Rose therapy is the ultimate Meditation experience,
a journey to discover our authentic human potential.Do not miss the opportunity to live this extraordinary experience.
It is an absolutely new meditation which has never existed before in the history of mankind. Even scientists are now becoming aware of the benefits of laughter, what it can do for the body and its health, flexibility and playfulness. A good laugh or cry will also rejuvenate you.​​​​
All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. Laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy. Once you have learned the art you will be immensely surprised: why has this not been told up to now? There is a reason: nobody has wanted humanity to have the freshness of a rose flower and the fragrance and the beauty. Osho.​
Mystic Rose 2014 Essaouirà - Morocco
Mystic Rose 2013 Vichy - France
Mystic Rose 2012 Lesvos - Greece
3 rue Jacques Durand, bât A1, 77210 Avon Tel :+33 (0)6 79 76 51 81

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